
The cast of Fuego Raw Talent consists of 45 dancers and 14 singers.
It's more than a show – NDs Dance is an established dance company for many years. Some of them started with the dance company when ND founded it ten years ago.

The Laptop of Life (aka the Book of Life) was created thru the struggles between Good and Evil. It empowers the person who holds the LOL in their hands to create and enter any virtual world and experience based on their deepest desires. Are these machines our saviors or future destroyers?
EL computador de la vida (también conocido como el Libro de la Vida) es el producto de los conflictos entre el Bien y el Mal. Quien sostenga el LOL obtendrá poderes para crear y entrar en cualquier experiencia o mundo virtual basado en sus mas profundos deseos. Son estas maquinas nuestros salvadores o las destructoras de nuestro futuro?